Wil John's Tire Empire Tire Pros en New York

Estados UnidosWil John's Tire Empire Tire Pros



🕗 horarios

2044, Hylan Boulevard, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-980-1000
sitio web: www.tireempire.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.580174, Longitude: -74.099288

comentarios 5

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    Jimmy Gjenashaj


    Great service. Very knowledgeable. They get the job done right every time. Been going there for over 20 years. I highly recommend this place for all your vehicle needs regarding upgrades and repairs.

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    julie forlenza


    Absolutely amazing. I walked in for some information about my truck and tony was super busy but he took the time out to pay attention to me and my needs. Multitasking at its finest. When I brought my truck in for a lift, they did it twice because he wasn’t comfortable with how it came out the first time. He did it right and the guys were amazing as a team. I’ll be back for sure thank you Wil Johns.

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    joe lattuga


    As always great service once again. They tell you what’s up with your car truthfully and are always straightforward. Been going here for years and recommend anyone who needs work on their car to bring it in. They treat you the way you want to be treated.

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    Pete Orofino


    Have been visiting this service center for many years. Very professional, exceptional service. Frank at the front, really nice and knowledgeable. Clean waiting room, coffee, and a little drivers side floor mat to protect your car from the technician’s shoes.

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    Christopher Voltaggio


    I've been going to Wil John's Tire Empire for literally over 20 years and since day 1 Rob and his team have ALWAYS done whatever my vehicles needed right the 1st time and always at a FAIR PRICE. I've used these guys not only for mechanical issues through the years, not only for rims and tires but for countless upgrades. Most recently they installed Bluetooth controlled LED Halo lights in my Jeep. They look amazing. Here's my review.. JUST GO HERE FOR WHATEVER YOUR VEHICLE NEEDS. THESE GUYS KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING N THEY'LL NEVER SCREW YOU.

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