Whole Foods Market w Montclair

Stany ZjednoczoneWhole Foods Market



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701, Bloomfield Avenue, 07042, Montclair, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-746-5110
strona internetowej: www.wholefoodsmarket.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8185562, Longitude: -74.2228758

komentarze 5

  • Michael Martini

    Michael Martini


    A bit on the small side, but an excellent spot, none-the-less. Extremely fresh produce & cheese sections. Always great avocados. Their olive bar is my favorite around. Their house brand white sandwich bread is surprisingly fantastic. Meat is by far the highest quality around without going to an actual butcher. Bakery items are just so damn good. And with their recent acquisition by Amazon, the prices have come down to a much more reasonable level. Maybe not the best place to do a "full shop", but fantastic for fills or extras. Like most Whole Foods, it's the people who make it great, and these people are great. Always friendly, always helpful, always willing to walk all the way around the store to find what you're looking for. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Noah Duckett


    They sell pretty much all organic foods and drinks for healthy uses. When I bought strawberries they looked fresh. But when I got home and opened the container a strawberry at the bottom was moldy. These shows that the strawberries weren't preserved with anything that makes it last long where in the fruits.

  • Alfred Sonny Piccoli

    Alfred Sonny Piccoli


    Great place to find a vast selection of good food. Their 365 brand assures quality at a reasonable price. Seafood is fresh and acquired from an environmentally safe source. Check-out thankfully fast and friendly. One improvement is to cut back on the wasteful use of double bagging items that don't need it. Why even bag big plastic items, and big cardboard cases that are already well sealed? TRY TO SAVE OUR PLANET EARTH.

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    Madel Torres


    The produce cost an arm and a leg. But you can taste the difference in organic foods. There’s a reason why Whole Foods is a.k.a Whole Paycheck. I wish this store would somehow magically turn into Trader Joe’s so I wouldn’t have to drive.

  • en

    Pamela Johnson


    Fresh fruits and vegetables are available even off season. In addition they offer fresh baked goods. You can find gluten free items to add to your menu, as well as a list of specialty/gourmet items.

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