Whole Foods Market w Metuchen

Stany ZjednoczoneWhole Foods Market



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645, Middlesex Avenue, 08840, Metuchen, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-515-6180
strona internetowej: www.wholefoodsmarket.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5403238, Longitude: -74.3667279

komentarze 5

  • Sapana Pathak

    Sapana Pathak


    Nice, clean, very well organized place but a bit pricy. cooperative staff. great selection of vegetables and fruits, etc. We love shopping here. healthy and delicious selection in deli section with variety of options to choose from. I would definitely recommend this place.

  • Michael Irenski

    Michael Irenski


    Opened in Metuchen and a nice addition for your grocery needs. Much of the items are organic. Nice meat, fish, cheese, deli, sections. They also have prepared homemade items in the event you don't want to cook. This is a more upscale supermarket and you will be paying more but, you are getting quality for it. Plenty of parking and lot us well lit.

  • Shubhendu Dey

    Shubhendu Dey


    This new store has changed the dynamics of the neighborhood. Before this it was just a parking lot for some few shops around. Carries great categories of food and groceries. The vegetables are really good quality. Meat section carries lot of exotic lamb & others. It also has a nice collection of cheese & bakery items. Most impressive is the ready made food bar & Salad section, showcasing a great array of sumptuous foods. The brick oven pizza section is a real attraction, along with the section for sandwiches. Their paper bag is a great step towards reducing plastic pollution. Now added with Amazon lockers its a place worth frequent visits.

  • en

    Traci Grauer


    After only 5 months after opening, Whole Foods at this location is showing its true colors. I often pick up lunch from the salad bar and have noticed that many times, many of the trays are empty and also lack tags indicating what the item is. At the prepared counter many items lack prices. When I asked what an item was per pound the employee replied with "how much do you want?" I then said, it depends on the price. She then said $4.99 or $5.99 per pound. Which is it? After weighing out more than the amount I asked for. there seemed to be further confusion about the price. She told me to give her a few minutes. I was the only customer in the area and did not have a few extra minutes as I had to return to work. Then, my e-gift card did not read at the register and I was sent to customer service. I am giving it 3 stars. 5 for the quality of food and 1 for customer service.

  • Вячеслав Тухтин

    Вячеслав Тухтин


    Большой выбор хороших продуктов. Есть своя пекарня

najbliższy Supermarket spożywczy lub

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