Whole Foods Market i Port Chester

Forenede StaterWhole Foods Market



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575, Boston Post Road, 10573, Port Chester, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-708-1985
internet side: www.wholefoodsmarket.com
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Latitude: 40.9924411, Longitude: -73.6754295

kommentar 5

  • Elizabeth Garcia

    Elizabeth Garcia


    I've been a regular customer of wf since they opened. I buy my weekly groceries and go to the hot food bar during my hour break, at first when I started going the food seemed fresh and they had different varieties of food in the hot food bar but from a few months back the food in the hot food bar is always dry or empty and it's always the same. So I went a couple of days ago and got some broccoli from the hot food bar and a few other stuff and when I was about to eat I decided to cut the broccoli in half and when I see it was filled with small insects all over the broccoli. I was disgusted and angry i couldn't believe what I was seeing. After that I spoke to the manager and he said that they usually "wash" it good, well apparently not. So upsetting.

  • en

    David Cooper


    Nice produce section, attractive merchandised store with easy parking, but not price competitive with Shoprite near me.

  • Zack Cruise

    Zack Cruise


    If you drink beer there is a great selection, if you're looking to get something to eat for lunch or dinner there is a pretty good prepared foods selection, but the prices for 'regular' groceries is insane. It's always packed though. In a high-income area with Stop N Shop as the alternative, people will pay endless amounts of money to be anywhere but there I guess.

  • Siante Love

    Siante Love


    Last night I purchased 2 boxes from the salad bar (came close to $30) but then the cashier took each of my mini salad dressings containers (I poured 2 per salad) & told me that management is telling them they have to weigh & charge for them now- I usually go to DiCiccos in Armonk or Mrs. Greens (who's salad bars are smaller but much fresher tasting) & I've never had that done so I was really disgusted by Whole Foods price gauging over tiny salad dressing cups? Those mini cups per salad came to an extra $6.00. Especially after already spending close to $30 on the salad bar. You can find MUCH better PRICES,CUSTOMER SERVICE & QUALITY elsewhere. Whole Foods got me that time but NEVER AGAIN.

  • Rich F

    Rich F


    This Whole Foods is smaller and rather dreary. Maybe it is the super high prices that puts everyone in a bad mood. I often wonder why the atmosphere in nearby Trader Joe's is so much more cheerful. There is a reasonable organic food selection at nosebleed prices (I didn't know lettuce heads could be grown so small). I prefer getting my fish and meat at Fairway Stanford. There is a reasonable bulk section and the new pricing on eggs is competitive. The cheese selection is OK but also extremely expensive. Let's face it, While Foods it's just not a fun place to visit but there are a limited amount of groceries that they have that I can't get anywhere else so I still go.

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