Whitestone Dairy Farm Inc w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneWhitestone Dairy Farm Inc


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2226, 154th Street, 11357, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-460-9022
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7777475, Longitude: -73.8093879

komentarze 5

  • en

    Marlene Glazer


    Great cold Cuts and sandwiches. really nice people and very fresh food. i go out if my way to buy here.

  • en

    Jenny Davidson


    I’m so confused reading some of the reviews on this store, it sounds as if they’re talking about some other place! Every time I go to to the store I’m greeted by a cheerful bubbly cashier, and Jamal the deli man, is so nice and efficient helping all the customers and leaving me satisfied with my cold cuts every single time. I’ve been going here for years and it’s a perfect place to run to when I’m running low on groceries. As long as the new stock boy I’ve been seeing keeps up the amazing work, along with the rest of the team I don’t have any problems with giving Whitestone dairy farms my business :)

  • Jessica



    Best coldcuts and sandwiches ! Cheap pricing on coldcuts I've seen in the neighborhood. Friendly service! I recommend this deli.

  • Gai Valentine

    Gai Valentine


    I have visited this establishment a few times and each time my experience is worse and worse . I must say that this place is a sorry excuse for a buissness. Half they’re food that’s stocked in the shelves are expired, that is if there even is anything stocked. There’s so much empty space on every shelf and it’s covered up by drinks and a single layer of products. Move some of the items around and you’ll see that there is nothing in the back of the shelves. They actually fill up three different isle long shelves with water because they don’t have enough produce or anything to fill it with. The store is also infested with flies that fly around the deli section where all the open food is. There is also a constant smell of cigarette smoke coming from the back of the store at all times. I have also spoken to a couple of the different cashier girls and they’ve mentioned that they get payed off the books and earn a measly $7/hour. Not only is this establishment terrible in its services, but there is also illegal activities taking place here such as tax fraud. I would advise everyone to bypass this place if you are planning on a quick shopping trip.

  • Omano337 _

    Omano337 _


    Whitestone dairy has been around for a while now, it's always been a solid go-to place.

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