Whitehall Auto Services Inc en Katonah

Estados UnidosWhitehall Auto Services Inc



🕗 horarios

2695, New York 35, 10536, Katonah, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-232-3630
sitio web: www.whitehallautoservice.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.2754156, Longitude: -73.710145

comentarios 5

  • en



    If your looking for an honest place to take your vehicle go to Whitehall, they are very detailed in there work and take the time to go over everything with the customer. I would not take my car anywhere else but Whitehall👍👍thumbs up to them

  • chez622



    I've been bringing my family's cars to Whitehall for almost 20 years. Simply put, they do excellent work and I trust John and his crew.

  • Tony Stark

    Tony Stark


    The owner, John, is not only polite and curdious but also extremely intelligent, he knows what he's talking about and could probably be a professor at an automotive college. Best car service with best prices cant believe I wasnt taking my car here sooner. Highly recommend for any job, even high-end and complicated to work on cars, all the mechanics know what they're doing.

  • Brendan Murphy

    Brendan Murphy


    Most honest and trustworthy auto shop I've ever been to. It can get very busy (because everyone wants to go there), so it's best to call and schedule something a few days in advance. John and his team are great.

  • trulybizzy12



    This is one of the best, and most trustworthy auto service stations in New York! John is as good as they come when it comes to his work ethics.

Reparación de autos más cercano

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