White Star Bar i Jersey City

Forenede StaterWhite Star Bar



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230, Brunswick Street, 07302, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-653-9234
internet side: whitestarbar.com
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Latitude: 40.727982, Longitude: -74.049986

kommentar 5

  • JP Mei

    JP Mei


    Great burgers, has small outdoor seating area and full bar inside. Cocktails are very good. Happy hour from 5-7PM

  • Joe Brendel

    Joe Brendel


    One of the top burgers in JC! I’ve wanted to go for years and finally found the time with some buddies. Great drafts to choose from and the staff was super cool. Definitely in the burger rotation now

  • en

    James Guzzo


    Great selection of beers with a menu that encourages drinking. Not a bad combo.

  • Greg Ellsworth

    Greg Ellsworth


    Great pub-feel bar. Good beer selection usually, with nice and responsive wait staff. Burgers are great, good quality meat and nice toppings. If you get fries, go ahead and get the truffle fries. Worth the extra couple bucks! Edit (15May2018): Not thrilled with being overcharged for the 'Monday Special' burger and beer deal. I was charged full price for everything and upon leaving heard the waitress at the bar say to the new customers coming in the door that they would get the Monday Special 'no problem'. Selective discounts aren't right. I hope the waiter just made a mistake but it has cooled my warm feelings for this bar. Not sure I'm going to be rushing back soon.

  • Eric Shaw

    Eric Shaw


    Went here with my brother who is a regular. The place is a good size, not huge but not small. Had their white star burger, it's a decent sized burger, cooked well and quite tasty. Would definitely recommend this place to grab a drink and watch sports or whatever. Getting the food was a bit slow but didn't take forever.

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