Wetzel's Pretzels w Orange

Stany ZjednoczoneWetzel's Pretzels



🕗 godziny otwarcia

20 City Blvd. West, #E-705, Orange, CA 92868, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 714-769-3280
strona internetowej: www.wetzels.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7825132, Longitude: -117.8923932

komentarze 5

  • Rocio Mondragon

    Rocio Mondragon


    Really bad costumers service n I found a hair on my pretzel I went back to talk to the manager and he said ho that happen some times that just not right

  • Luis Zubiate

    Luis Zubiate


    Just went today and had a lousy experience. The "dog bites" dough was raw. Thought it was only one but the whole batch was bad. I requested a refund or a credit to use at a later date (left a bad taste). Manager Julio was rude, refused either option and would only offer to replace the item. But the replaced items were just as bad. To speak frankly he acted like a jerk. Will not buy here again.

  • en

    Elizabeth Ramirez


    I came on 10/29/17 worst experience. This is a horrible store. Employees are rude and don't care about customer service. I usually don't write reviews but this is the worst costumer service I've received. I ordered cinnabits and after I paid and for my order they told me it would be a 5 min wait. After 10 mins the cinnabits where barely covered with cinnamon and acing. Right away I asked if they could put more cinnamon and acing but was told no. Julio (if that's his real name since wasn't wearing a name tag) whom I spoke with was rude and seemed to not care about his job at all. I decided to get a refund but he told me that they dony do refunds. Nowhere in the store is there a sign that's states they don't do refunds. He told me in a rude manner that I could only get store credit while I took because I just wanted to get out of there. Worst store and worst customer service. I recommend others never to go to this settle pretzel. If I could I would give this 0 stars

  • en

    Julie Krodel


    I visited on 10/25 at 1 in the afternoon. Not a soul in the store..... I ordered 3 bags of pretzel bitz and a drink(wanted a frozen drink but none were “ready.”) My order totaled $22 and change(pricey) I got my children’s after school treat home to find most of them burned and not edible AND all of the cinnamon at the bottom of the bag. Called the store spoke to Sebastian, his words, “well, there’s nothing I can do.” No apology, nothing. Worst customer service ever. Almost as bad as the food. Will not be back!

  • en

    Rosana Velazquez


    It's 10:10 am and they are still close! It's says open at 10am! They finally decided to open at 10:25 just so I can start placing my order and for her to tell me it's going to be another 15 to 20 min more!!

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