Westwood Flooring Supply Inc en Ossining

Estados UnidosWestwood Flooring Supply Inc



🕗 horarios

3, Nelson Avenue, 10562, Ossining, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-627-8706
sitio web: www.westwoodflooring.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1502463, Longitude: -73.8605612

comentarios 5

  • Steven Di Loreto

    Steven Di Loreto


    Some of the finest flooring showrooms in the Tri-State area! But they are not just flooring they have some of the best tile selections anywhere as well as granite for any application.. The Ossining and Wilton showrooms have wonderful product lines with samples that I have not seen anywhere else and the Old Greenwich location antique and reclaimed flooring selections are one of a kind... Their sales people and installers are the best experts I've ever worked with and the only way you will know how good they are is for you to stop by and visit their showrooms for yourself... You will love what you find... Thanks again for the great work guys! Peace...

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    Helen Feely


    Westwood Flooring installed hardwood flooring in our kitchen, dining room, family room and bedroom. They did a great job! Victor makes sure that everything is to your satisfaction. He is a great resource in all areas of flooring. The installation was perfect and they worked very quickly. The installers were very professional. We were so happy with the flooring work that we used Westwood for our kitchen renovation. The granite top was picked from the slab yard on Rt 202 in Cortlandt Manor. I had the best time picking out the beautiful granite that is now in my kitchen. The only problem is that it is so beautiful I don't want to put anything on my counter tops!! Anthony was a tremendous help in my decision making. He is a granite expert. I also purchased tile for my back-splash. The entire staff at the Ossining showroom was helpful and very patient. They provided many samples to take home over and over again until I was happy with my tile choice. We highly recommend Westwood for flooring, granite and tile. We have told many of our friends and neighbors about how satisfied we were with Westwood. Thank you.

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    John David


    I've been working with Westwood for years. They offer the best selection around and have great pricing. Pat and co are always accommodating and do their best to have the job done correctly. I recommend them to my clients and others as well. Bigger company than most, long established.

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    Dora Wagner


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    DarrenJ Mcdonalsen


    I see there are some bad reviews for these guys, I've used Westwood on a few occasions for different floors in my home and had experienced nothing but professionalism and I am a pretty picky guy. I think Pat is great and I would use him again for sure!

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