Westwind Dental Phoenix en Phoenix

Estados UnidosWestwind Dental Phoenix



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3019, North 35th Avenue, 85017, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 623-247-5300
sitio web: www.westwinddental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4829771, Longitude: -112.1339487

comentarios 5

  • en

    Stephanie Valdez


    I am disappointed with this office. I make an appointment for a certain time and arrive to said appointment only to be stuck waiting 45 minutes after my original appointment time. I have been a patient at this practice for 15+ years. Will be switching dentists. I recommend you not come here unless you love wasting your time.

  • en

    Melissa Olaguez


    My appointment was at 4. I'm just getting in a chair for X-rays. Don't waste your time.

  • Diamond Dumas

    Diamond Dumas


    Amazing hands down and I've been to a plethora of facilities, but none can compare not Risas Dental and I've been dealing with Risas for over 2 years. Westwind has given me hope for all my dental maintenance in the future my family will be coming here for now on.

  • en

    Michelle Ramirez


    I recently relocated from Tucson and had to go in as a walk in on Saturday morning on the 35th and Thomas location. The dental assistant and the dentist were absolutely amazing. I was in so much pain from an awful infection they both calmed me and my fiance down and gave us a general understanding of what to expect as I'm terrified normally of dentist. Hands down the best experience in one of the worst times of my life I would recommend to everyone!

  • Gavriela Powers

    Gavriela Powers


    The receptionists and dental assistants were wonderful, and very nurturing towards my husband, who has EXTREME dental anxiety. The dentist, Dr. Lipton, however, was not a very patient man and got frustrated when my husband cried out in pain. Instead of giving him some more time for the numbing agent to kick in, he refused to do any work on my husband and referred him to an oral surgeon! His attitude was not friendly, though the rest of the staff was. If you're looking for a dentist who can handle your extreme dental anxiety and make you feel comfortable, DO NOT GO HERE. Though the other staff is friendly, Dr. Lipton really seemed as though he was not accustomed to people having dental anxiety. Seemed unprofessional and uncaring to me. My husband has extremely bad teeth, so he is used to the procedures - this is the FIRST time a dentist has ever refused to work on him because of his apprehension. Smh. People in this industry should be more forgiving, patient, and understanding!

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