Westfield World Trade Center w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneWestfield World Trade Center



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185, Greenwich Street, 10007, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-284-9982
strona internetowej: www.westfield.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7114771, Longitude: -74.011478

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lee Woodhouse


    What a great gem in the middle of the financial district. Architecture is amazing, and the choice of shops is teriffic. Pricing was very surprising and affordable given its location. Everyone is so friendly. You could spend hours here very easily. Well worth a diversion. Links to the subway system also very good.

  • Kavi Patel

    Kavi Patel


    It is an amazing building. I really recommend that you visit there. They also offer tickets to see the top of the building which is really amazing. But if you do want to see the top you better come early because they close very early on Sunday's. I would really recommend that once/if you come down from the top you go the mall underneath the building. The screens that are fitted on the walls are amazing. If you need to they also have trains there so it is very easily accessible. They also have the main train that comes from New Jersey so you don't have to pay the extra tolls in order to enter New York City!

  • Adrienne Lettré Keyser

    Adrienne Lettré Keyser


    Went during the holidays and the decorations were amazing. Forget that it's a typical mall with all the typical Westfield stores THE ARCHITECTURE IS AMAZING!! Unfortunately I was with my 5 year old who only wanted to check out all the lights. I could have spent hours in there just exploring the magnificent work they did on this structure. Not to mention it's the major hub for the subway and World Trade Center. Highly recommend!!

  • Nicholas Gangloff

    Nicholas Gangloff


    I did not go here my first trip to NYC, and I now wish I did. This was one of the hardest museums to visit, but it is well worth it. I do not recommend it to children or to people who may be very sensitive to intense situations. The museum has a very large collection of items, recordings, and footage of 9/11. The whole museum can take a while to go through, so prepare to set aside some time. The museum is also free Tuesday in the evening, but it is still suggested that you donate as they run off of donations.

  • Rachel Pignato

    Rachel Pignato


    This place incredible! Everyone is so kind and helpful. The views are beyond words. Beware that the elevator to the top will give you a quick pit in your stomach feeling yet we'll worth it. The cafe and restaurant at the top are reasonably priced considering where you are.

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