Western Iowa Endodontics w Council Bluffs

Stany ZjednoczoneWestern Iowa Endodontics



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320, McKenzie Avenue, 51503, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 712-256-9943
strona internetowej: www.westerniowaendodontics.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.281221, Longitude: -95.818889

komentarze 5

  • Courtney Walker

    Courtney Walker


    I have been a patient at Western Iowa Endodontics a few months now, and I'm here to tell you its been a wonderful experience, a root canal sounded like scariest thing, but they are totally great at what they do. If I could you you all 100 stars I would! Thank you Thank you Thank you !!

  • DeAnn Reetz

    DeAnn Reetz


    I am currently waiting for my mom to get done with her appt. There is a girl named Lindsey working behind the desk. This is the second time we have been here. She is rude to everyone that has come in, and whispers to a co-worker the entire time about her personal life and about another patient. The conversation about the patient was that they owed $50 and must not have paid when they left. She was discussing how the patient must not have known anything to have not paid. Again, very rude!!! And again, whispering to a co-worker. Will not recommend to anyone

  • Gail Nabity

    Gail Nabity


    I was very impressed with my care here. Dr Bouska was very knowledgeable. The best thing about him is that he had a suggestion about how I pay for the treatment I need. Since I have an infection around my root he said that I could wait to do the replacement of the filling in my 50 year old root canal, for a number of months so the medication fully gets rid of the infection. This allows me time to save toward the co/pay. The receptionist and dental assistant were happy and courteous. I will recommend this Endodontist to all of my friends and family as well.

  • Peter Gallo

    Peter Gallo


    Dr. Bouska is an excellent caregiver. Very patient and compassionate, and he went out of his way to explain my diagnosis and answer all of my questions. Excellent facility with modern equipment and a courteous and caring staff. I hope not to visit again, because I'm hoping not to have anymore gum issues. But it is great to know that we have such a wonderful practice in town.

  • Candace Matheis

    Candace Matheis


    If you're looking for quality healthcare, turn around and find another place. My mother went to this clinic for a routine root canal. After, when my mother was in so much pain she couldn't eat, sleep, or talk they told her it was all in her head. They refused to help with the paperwork for her work place so she could keep her job, and made her sob uncontrollably when she was at her most vulnerable. I pushed her to go speak with her primary dentist, who upon a very brief inspection said that her tooth was infected and would most likely have to come out. He obviously does not care for the pain he puts his patients through, nor the after effects of his 'work.' Please, do not go to this clinic if you value your health.

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