Westchester Pharmacy en New York

Estados UnidosWestchester Pharmacy



🕗 horarios

1780, Westchester Avenue, 10472, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-829-2348
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.831409, Longitude: -73.867065

comentarios 5

  • en

    Adele Riley


    It's been in the neighborhood for many year's. .I've seen different owner's down thru the years...but they still have good reliable service

  • Thalia Torres

    Thalia Torres


    I was charged for medicine when it should have been free due to my health insurance covering the cost and when asked about why I was being charged the worker claimed my health insurance didn't cover it. I called my health insurance to double check I was charged the right amount and it turned out that I shouldn't have been charged at all. Their supervisor or manager is trying to help me fix this situation by getting in contact with the pharmacy, but now they will not pick up the phone. I am grateful for the supervisor/managers help in this predicament. But I don't appreciate that the workers overcharged me. Highly disappointed in the workers.

  • Francisco Feliciano

    Francisco Feliciano


  • Kevin G.

    Kevin G.


    Great community based pharmacy, with good customer service, and always quick to help.

  • en

    Olga Camacho


Farmacia más cercano

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