Westbury Toyota en Westbury

Estados UnidosWestbury Toyota



🕗 horarios

1121, Old Country Road, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-272-4499
sitio web: westburytoyota.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.756993, Longitude: -73.554168

comentarios 5

  • Joe Trinidad

    Joe Trinidad


    First let me say this dealership was great. I had Bruce as the salesman who was fantastic and made my experience great. He knew where i wanted to be and did everything to keep me there. After Bruce, I met with Phil the finance manager and he really was polite and was able to keep me at the same monthly payments. Great people and great experience!

  • Santiago Agudelo

    Santiago Agudelo


    MOST AMAZING PEOPLE, I didn't have have good credit and Jay Gonzalez and Julian Gonzalez were able to get me in a new car!! I recommend these two men. They are very professional and you don't need to worry about getting screwed over or being taken advantage of. Great honest people. VERY Happy with the service.

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    Blessing Rawlins


    Recently purchased a vehicle with Mr. Ralston Dunn!! All I can say is WOW!! This is my first Toyota Camry and I’m not familiar with them. He took his time to explain how everything works from the inside to the outside of the car. He is very knowledgeable about the slightest detail and his customer service was impeccable! He even cleaned the car before we left. He gave me his card and told me not to hesitate to call him if I had further questions. Toyota of Westbury you guys have a gem on your hand in Mr. Dunn. Keep p the great work!!

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    Anna Maria Licandro


    Just wanted to share the great experience we had this past weekend at Westbury Toyota with Alex Eitan!! We bought out our lease and he understood all of our wants and concerns. He took on the responsibility to make sure we left satisfied.!! Thank you Alex!! If you're in the market for a new car, definitely go see Alex!!

  • Ron Cassella

    Ron Cassella


    I recently leased a vehicle with Wesley Richards at Westbury Toyota. The process was seamless and effortless. Mr. Wes Richards was courteous and professional throughout the entire lease process and answered all of my questions and concerns. Wes is a very patient and professional man and takes his job very seriously. This is my second time working with him and I look forward to future encounters with this salesperson. Top notch service from this dealership and professionalism from everyone I interacted with at Westbury Toyota. Would highly recommend this experience to friends and family. Thank you Wesley Richards!

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