Westbrook Pizzeria w Cortlandt

Stany ZjednoczoneWestbrook Pizzeria



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2, Westbrook Drive, 10567, Cortlandt, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-526-7285
strona internetowej: www.westbrookbrickovenpizza.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.324003, Longitude: -73.882323

komentarze 5

  • Frank Infante

    Frank Infante


    This place deserves 0 stars .. we got a advertisement for it In the mail so decided to give it a try .. we ordered for delivery ..it was going past a hour before I called to ask the status of my order.. the man said it was already delivered . Ok not to my apartment it wasn't ..and it was already paid for. So not only did the stupid driver not call to say he was outside like the directions stated on the instructions but he droped it off at a random apartment ..he appoligized and said he would make another order and send it right over .. after talking it over with my gf we lost interest in doing business with them and I called to cancel the order .. now the man wanted to say that they believed that we were lying and did receive the order but the delivery man already said the ppl he delivered to were Indian so u can clearly see the difference in race there . Finally got the money refunded or so I was told .. well have to see if the money gose back into the account.. as far as I'm concerned this place can burn down .. the ppl are saying that the food is good on here that may be true but the management is not all there in the head .. word of advice don't order to be delivered the drivers have no brains ..

  • Jason Santiago

    Jason Santiago


    A great place if you're looking to sit down for a quick bite, or if you need to order in they have free delivery

  • Jerrys Mix up

    Jerrys Mix up


    OMG this place has changed over the years but one thing stays and that's the pizza and ppl are amazing at this location will always return

  • en



    Excellent pizza and the paninis are a must Delicious homemade panini bread

  • Kyle Garrity

    Kyle Garrity


    Good bacon chicken ranch slices. Friendly service.

najbliższy Mąka dostawy

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