west elm w Huntington Station

Stany Zjednoczonewest elm



🕗 godziny otwarcia

160, Walt Whitman Road, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-673-7952
strona internetowej: www.westelm.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.822723, Longitude: -73.410672

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mason Bradbury


    A really nice West Elm experience! Nice store - though not gigantic so you won’t find everything here, but overall it was a nice experience relative to West Elm in NYC. Just call ahead and check to make sure that the items you’re shopping for are on display. The only thing I didn’t get to see was TV/media consoles, but otherwise a good store.

  • John Klingler

    John Klingler


    West Elm is a terrible company to deal with. I spent more than $5,000 on their furniture in January 2017. In August, a problem developed in the sofa. I have called their customer service 5 times since August and they have still not called back to schedule the repair after 3 months (it is now Nov. 15, 2017). Every time we call, they say their repair department will call back within a week, but they never do. I have spoken to several managers, but they all deny responsibility. Shame on West Elm. My only option is to see them in court. STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!! NOTE: My actual rating is 0 stars, but I was required to select at least 1 star to post,

  • Michael D

    Michael D


    Excellent experience. Very nice people working there especially Lori and her manager!

  • Pat Lapp

    Pat Lapp


    Very helpful in deciding on curtains! Great taste and knowledge of what they have to offer.

  • en

    Pea Fit


    Called up to check on the delivery of an order that I place in-person at this store, and the sales rep was rude and completely unhelpful. Told me that she couldn't help me and that I should call their general customer service number because that's what she would have to do any way. I could've ordered it online and saved myself the grief.

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