west elm w Portland

Stany Zjednoczonewest elm



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1201, Northwest Couch Street, 97209, Portland, Multnomah County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 503-224-4480
strona internetowej: www.westelm.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.5238401, Longitude: -122.683343

komentarze 5

  • en

    Angela Herman


    Came down from Canada to tour Portland and stopped by west elm to see if they had the napkins my mom has been looking for, for ages. They didn't have the total amount I needed so Jaelin took the time to look up other stores so I could get the product I wanted on the way home in Bellevue. He also took the time to plan out a whole itinerary for our time here in portland from food, drinks sights and markets/local shopping to even offering for us to stop by for other tips as he'd be working during our time here. Great customer service ! Thanks so much Jaelin !

  • Rob Melton

    Rob Melton


    Furnishings and fashion for the modern home. Always fun to pop in and check out the seasonal merchandise. It is one of the boutique brand stores of Williams-Sonoma, along with Rejuvenation and Pottery Barn.

  • en

    Melinda Montgomery


    I visited the store at 10:00am last Tuesday, a snow day in Portland. I was the only customer in the store. There were at least 5 sales people talking amongst themselves, while I walked around the store , seemingly invisible. I eventually stood at the register, , juggling items in my arms, while a sales person was writing in some type of log. She would not even look up at me until I asked if she could ring me up. And then treated me as a huge inconvenience. This experience is consistent with other recent visits to this store. If it were not for their low priced furniture ( we are furnishing an air bnb and don’t want to break the bank) I would have given up on this store ages ago.

  • Susan Hess Logeais

    Susan Hess Logeais


    Attractive furniture, horrible delivery follow through. Although I appreciate fair trade products and organic fabrics, waiting 6 months for back-ordered bedding is unacceptable. Does anyone at their corporate level pay attention to customer service?

  • en

    Eric Brett


    I really like this store, great furniture, good layout. But the staff just doesn't acknowledge you. I'm usually the type that kinda likes to browse by myself, but there's just no acknowledgement. Good number of employees just talking amongst themselves but couldn't care less to interface with their customers.

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