West Carver Medical Associates w Huntington

Stany ZjednoczoneWest Carver Medical Associates



🕗 godziny otwarcia

200, West Carver Street, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-421-0020
strona internetowej: portal.prohealthcare.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8685631, Longitude: -73.429947

komentarze 5

  • en

    Emily Williams


    Like my doctor but the office staff is TERRIBLE!! The wait on hold is unacceptable! When checking in the staff make you feel like you are interrupting them.

  • en

    Jane Clark


    Have to agree with the others. Great docs, lousy front office. This is the third or fourth time I have run out of meds because they do not respond to the pharmacy. Phone wait can be interminable.

  • Andrew Arloro

    Andrew Arloro


    In love the physicians. Very professional, very complete medically. BUT !!!! and I mean this sincerely- you cannot get through any line in the offices. I put the phone on speaker phone for 30 min sometimes. If they do not hire more staff to answer the phones , I will be forced to find a new doctor. Honestly , it is impossible to reach anybody. They pick up & said please hold. I need my medical records for a specialist AND cannot reach them. I'm really tired of calling and being put on hold. This is just not acceptable. They might be loosing me . The doctors are fantastic , but if you cant reach them to even make an appt. to find out any info - Does that really matter at all!!!!!

  • en

    MaryEllen Boehm


    Wonderful group of professionals help my son out after he was assaulted and made sure he was happy when he walked out with beautiful temporary teeth

  • en

    Kenchise Jean Francois


    Horrible, I have been trying to make an appointment for the past 3 weeks. They kept putting me on hold for 15 mn , then finally hung up on me. They're rude, very unprofessional.

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