Wesfair Agency en Chappaqua

Estados UnidosWesfair Agency



🕗 horarios

9, Hunts Lane, 10514, Chappaqua, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-238-3734
sitio web: www.wesfair.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1601215, Longitude: -73.773248

comentarios 5

  • Jake Hadad

    Jake Hadad


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    Patrizia Di Marco


    Best place for ALL your insurance needs

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    Omar Hassan


    Working with Dan and Westfair has been a pleasure. When I was originally quoted, I was advised to actually stick with my current provider - however when my rates went up Dan was able to write me for a lower price and better coverage. Very honest, creditable, and knowledgeable. You won't find better service in the industry.

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    Karina Perelmuter


    They did an awesome job of walking me through my different options and were able to provide me the best rates. They made insurance, everyone's least favorite topic, into an easy conversation.

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    Meghan Griffin


    I'm going to be honest, as someone who works in the more creative realm of entertainment, I've always had trouble with necessary "adult numbers things." Meaning when it comes to finances, insurance, cable/internet, etc I tend to draw a blank. I also tend to not think about "what I would do if..." or "how to protect myself in case..." All of that changed after the recent, tragic fire in the LES. I know a lot of people who live in that area and could have easily lost their homes as well. I decided that I needed to do something to protect myself and my belongings in the event that something unexpected happened to my home. Luckily, I was referred to Wesfair by a family member and they talked me through all of the ins and outs of renters insurance, as well as finding me a plan that works best for me (and was much cheaper than I had expected!) Their approach is incredibly accessible, their dialogue conversational, and I never felt like I was being "sold something" or pressure of any kind. They took care of getting me a solid insurance plan quickly and efficiently and I would recommend them to anyone!! And, seriously, if you live in NYC just get renters insurance - soooo much more beneficial than you may think!!! -Meg

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