Wendy's w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneWendy's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2410, West Liberty Avenue, 15226, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-561-0594
strona internetowej: www.wendys.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.4002491, Longitude: -80.0241029

komentarze 5

  • en

    Robbie Graw


    I have a lot of food allergys, and this place is usually good with cross contamination at least before the lunch rush. I've only gotten sick once over 6 months.

  • jasmine p

    jasmine p


    I enjoy the quality of Wendy's food, it's my number 1 choice. Sadly twice in the last month they've gotten our order wrong resulting in a trip back to get it fixed. And im not talking any crazy order with extras...we've gotten wrong sandwiches (chicken instead of Baconator), one burger (instead of 4!), and wrong sized fries. Hit or miss with this place, either A crew or F crew working.

  • T Dot

    T Dot


    The food is good and the staff are friendly. DO NOT go here for FAST food! Be prepared for a 15-20 minute wait time, even in the drive-thru. I would love to be able to give a 5 star review, I like Wendy's, but the wait time is an issue for me.

  • dayna diamonds

    dayna diamonds


    Had to feed three kids in a hurry. Waited at the menu for 10 minutes before I got to order. Paid and was asked to wait. Sat for 30 minutes while staff walked back and forth past the window, noone had the courtesy to check in. KNOCKED on the window with people in it asked was completely ignored. Finally went inside and asked for the manager, waited while staff had to practically drag him to the front. Turns out he was one of the people who was in the window. No explanation, was completely incompetent and clueless. Gave me a refund, waited another 10min for that. Finally got my food (thanks) and my order was still wrong. I have no idea what happened that night or what kind of bomb went off in the back, but there were multiple other people waiting with issues. I wouldn't have been so entirely aggravated if someone would have just had the courtesy to come back to the window and let me know they were having some issues and needed time.

  • Marcella Cypher

    Marcella Cypher


    Good food and good service as long as it's not late. On Friday night's be prepared to sit in a packed drive thru without moving for 20+ minutes before you even get to the order screen. Late night needs to staff better or prepare better.

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