Wendy's w Avalon

Stany ZjednoczoneWendy's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1015, Ohio River Boulevard, 15202, Avalon, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-761-7373
strona internetowej: www.wendys.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.4941225, Longitude: -80.0635886

komentarze 5

  • SEGAMAN 101

    SEGAMAN 101


    I never can get your order right and it needs to be a faster service as always

  • Matthew McCrady

    Matthew McCrady


    The exterior and interior weren't spotless for sure but it looked like it's been there for a couple decades. The staff was friendly enough but didn't pay much attention to his work because he kept serving incorrect items, example, I ordered a Dr Pepper with no ice and he gave me a medium one WITH ice. Then my friend went to the restroom and said it was nasty, trash all over the floor, and an employee was coming out of the stall and looked at it all, washed his hands and left. So usually a dirty restroom means dirty kitchen. I wish I had gone to the bathroom first before I ate.

  • en

    Patrouious Achatz


    I worked for them and then I quit after my 2nd day of working. The late afternoon/evening crew are bullies to other employees. After quiting I came back and took my grandmother for lunch and the General Manager gave me an unpleasant look. I love Wendy's food. I am just never going back to this location. I don't care if it is 0.9 miles away from my house. My family and I will eat at a different Wendy's.

  • David Pcholinski

    David Pcholinski


    Terrible service. Asked for just lettuce, tomatoe, and mayo on my burger, got my burger and everything else was just wiped off and the outside of my bun was smeared in ketchup. Almost like they didn't want to waste the bun! And it was wrapped in a chicken sandwich wrapper, like it was used on a different sandwich. Asked for no ice in my drink and the cup was full to the brim with ice. And to top it off as I was sitting eating my stuff and apparently a guy asked for no tomatoes on his sandwiches, opened them up and had tomatoes on them and walked outside, pissed off and threw the tomatoes at the side window. Never going back is my option.

  • Josh K

    Josh K


    It's hard to talk and a place that has healthy options. Fast food is never an ideal option but when you are short on time with a busy schedule this place can be very ideal. Grilled chicken with whatever you want on it is delicious. I usually get the 4 for 4 deal and add a little extra. If you're on a budget and want good food I'd go here.

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