Wellwood Avenue Barber w Lindenhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneWellwood Avenue Barber


brak informacji

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205, North Wellwood Avenue, 11757, Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-226-0762
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6888545, Longitude: -73.3757693

komentarze 5

  • en

    ricardo gallegos


    Waited a half hour to be told he wont cut my hair because its long and he has other people waiting.

  • Bill S

    Bill S


    He owner of this shop is rude and smells . Eli has left I made the mistake of asking about him and was told to mind my own business and then asked did I want a hair cut or did I want to talk.

  • Jarrod C

    Jarrod C


    I've never been treated so rudely, and simply because I wanted a haircut. I told him to give me a traditional haircut park on the side and he started screaming at me about how I wanted it cut and he didn't know how to do it. What kind a barber is that?

  • en



    Absolutely horrible owner, came in to get a haircut after i sat down the barber asked me what i want to get so i joked and said the usual. He said how can i know what you want so i said i want a fade. Keep in mind ive been a customer for a year here. So he says ok, i ask for a shave and he says he has no time and i say thats fine. Then he looks at my hair and says he cant do it go somewhere else and i ask why. He says you dont even know what you want get out. I said i just told you a fade what is the problem ive been comig here for a year now. My hair was about 3 inches long at this time so you can picture it. After reading his other reviews this place is horrible he said to go f myself what kind of business turns customers away. Funny thing is the shop was empty now i know why. A joke thats what this shop is stay far away i wasted a half hour sitting here for nothing.

  • en

    chris gaudino


    If I could give this guy a lower rating I would but the minimum is 1 star. I get a high-and-tight hair cut. He had just given one to the guy in front of me. When I told him that's what I wanted he didn't understand. I tried to explain and he took off my apron and told me to go somewhere else. He was extremely rude. I would only bring a someone I wanted to prank here. The 5 star ratings this place had are old and are from an employee that no longer works there. He told me to go someplace else, now I'll tell you, don't go here!

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