Wells Fargo Bank i Palisades Park

Forenede StaterWells Fargo Bank



🕗 åbningstider

201, Roosevelt Place, 07650, Palisades Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-429-9212
internet side: www.wellsfargo.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8520482, Longitude: -74.00463

kommentar 5

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    Armando Casillas


    Friendly very helpful and knowledgable top notch service

  • Steve Sanchez

    Steve Sanchez


    Loosing up people, the place is rocking and people are people. I been there plenty and it's all good, front end service rocks the house!! Shoprite is off the hook as well!!

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    E Lamb


    Terrible customer service, most front end people have a chip on their shoulder. Not friendly at all. You have to wait for them to stop talking to each other before you can ask a question. Always a line at the deli counter. I don't mind paying more for fresh produce, but this shop rite has high price and low quality. Endless lines to check out. So sorry that it has deteriorated to this level. I've written to corporate in the past and although they promised change quite some time ago, I have yet to see any.

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    Genaro Scala


    One of the better stores in the area when it comes to price and selection, but even so that's not saying much. This is perhaps the worst shop rite I've ever been to, the food court is pathetic, the bakery is lacking, the produce most often looks like garbage (better in the summer). If you have the money you're better off at Whole Foods or H Mart

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