Wells Fargo Bank w Syosset

Stany ZjednoczoneWells Fargo Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

137, Jackson Avenue, 11791, Syosset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-677-6830
strona internetowej: www.wellsfargo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8223985, Longitude: -73.501755

komentarze 5




    A disaster totally unprofessional .I had ordered some foreign currency through this branch I was told 48 hours time frame but they failed to deliver even the next day. They caused undue hardship and stress before my trip. .I would not recommend this place for any business. Don't go there. They lack seriousness and responsibility. TD BANK came to my rescue thanks to TD bank.

  • Alex Conte

    Alex Conte


    Sometimes they have hot girls working there

  • en

    RK 516


    Went to the syosset branch just to ask if they could break a $20.00 the teller asked if I had an account with them, I said no, she said sorry I can't break it for you. I never heard of anything so stupid in my life! So I walked out and went to Chase bank, they did it with no problem, and they didn't even ask if I have an account. Stay away from this bank. What if I was interested with an account with them? Well guess what? it will never happen now!

  • Manny Ramirez

    Manny Ramirez


    Unprofessional employees here... Teller felt the need to say my name outloud so all the other customers will know. One of the employees came up to me and started asking me questions while I was waiting online but did nothing to assist me. If you're not going to assist, then mind your own business.

  • es

    rafael enrique requeijo cardenas


    Muy buena atención y muy amable

najbliższy Bank

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