Wells Fargo Bank w Chandler

Stany ZjednoczoneWells Fargo Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1004, West Chandler Boulevard, 85224, Chandler, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-899-2692
strona internetowej: www.wellsfargo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3066379, Longitude: -111.8597004

komentarze 5

  • Gina Lerma

    Gina Lerma


    Everytime I come to this location I spend 30 mins plus. Although their stafg is friendly they are not efficient, only have 1 person at the teller at a time and have no sense of urgency. It seems like none of their employees are well trained , just hired and thrown on the job.

  • Melissa Shepherd

    Melissa Shepherd


    It's so absolutely annoying that you all have a drive up teller window, yet it's never open! Some of your patrons have disabilities, you know. Does that even matter anymore? You guys refuse to open back up inside grocery stores also. What's happened? Ok, so it's May 26th, and without any notice, the bank on Chandler Blvd and Alma school is CLOSED AGAIN! WHAT A TOTAL INCONVENIENCE THIS HAS BEEN. WHAT IS GOING ON THAT TOUR BRANCHES KEEP CLOSING AND YOU ALL REFUSE TO OPEN BACK UP IN THE GROCERY STORES. IS THIS JUST LAZINESS, GREED OR IS THE BANK GOING UNDER? YOU DONT MAN THE DRIVE UP TELLERS EVERY DAY LIIE YOU USED TO EITHER. WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON? SO FRUSTRATING!

  • daniel perez

    daniel perez


    Today was the absolute worst experience with wells Fargo. The staff is absolutely rude and not helpful at all. I am closing my Wells Fargo account and going to another bank, worst bank and worst experience I have ever had in customer service. Dont take your business here, specially this branch and its staff.

  • Nicholas V.I. D.

    Nicholas V.I. D.


    My wife set-up her account with Wells Fargo at this branch and since that day we have had nothing but issues from Wells Fargo. we spent hours with a banker setting the account up. The banker, even though she told us the opposite, forgot to add me to the account. This has become an issue several times, like when I desperately needed to deposit into the account. I will have to go sit for another hour or so if I want this rectified. The staff is almost always rude and extremely judgmental. I have gone into the bank in a suit with my wife and been treated nicely. I went dressed for rugged work and was treated like a piece of trash. The teller even had the nerve to report my card as stolen, despite me getting every single question about identity right and having half a dozen other I.D.'s and credit cards with the same name. When I called over the manager (young man) he was more interested in impressing the teller then he was in assisting the customer. Wells Fargo is an alright bank with good services and generally good customer service. Unfortunately this branch is an anomaly. I wouldn't go hear unless there was no other choice, and I live within a 2 minute walk. It was extremely demeaning to be treated a certain way because you have on dirty jeans and old shirt. If I would have really needed the card she reported as stolen, I would have been out of luck. Luckily I had other options. I signed a Better Business Bureau complaint against the branch. The response from the bank was completely irrelevant (talked about bank security. Remember I got all questions right and showed her state ID's) and dismissive.

  • Life in USA

    Life in USA


    Great drive through cashier. When ever i have to deposit money in my account, i go to different drive through tellers in different places. This wells fargo is one of them. It has two lines for teller and one for ATM. Tellers are nice. They are professional and active tellers. I am liking this location as it is convenient for me to deposit money here.

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