Weisman & Co., CPA's en Hauppauge

Estados UnidosWeisman & Co., CPA's



🕗 horarios

1200, Veterans Highway, 11788, Hauppauge, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-761-6755
sitio web: weismancpa.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8143899, Longitude: -73.1925732

comentarios 5

  • en

    Shaff Qureshi


    Excellent service, understanding and determinative

  • en

    Mark Berman


    I had no idea where to turn after the accountant who handled my taxes retired last year when a friend recommended Lanny Weisman. Man, this guy is good, getting me the biggest return I have ever had! I wish I had started using him years earlier. I was so satisfied, I now go to him for advice on my retirement account and investments as well. Lanny is a true professional -- I recommend him highly for any financial service you might need.

  • Nicole Colwell

    Nicole Colwell


    Because of my busy life, my finances were a mess. Thankfully, a girlfriend recommended Lanny Weisman. Suddenly, everything made sense! Lanny Weisman relieved all of my concerns about my finances. Finally, I am able to relax and focus on my business and my customers. Lanny Weisman provided me with the peace of mind I needed.

  • en

    Dee Hen


    A good friend of mine suggested I call Weisman and Company to have my taxes done. I've had many poor experiences in the past, and was interested in working with a professional. Lanny and his team exceeded all expectations I had and I was completely satisfied with the work that was done. I would recommend them to anyone who has had issues in the past with getting their taxes completed, they were everything that was advertised to me. Thanks again Lanny!!

  • en

    Marc Louis


    As a result of Lanny Weisman and his incredible staff, I no longer fear getting my taxes done. The process of preparing my taxes was always a daunting one as my finances are very involved. Lanny was able to put my mind at ease and guided me through the process effortlessly. I would recommend Lanny to anyone who shares in the same complexity as I in regards to their tax status. Thanks again Lanny, you really helped me through a difficult time of year!

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