We Buy Gold w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneWe Buy Gold



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241, North Nellis Boulevard, 89110, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-531-3417
strona internetowej: www.lasvegaswebuygold.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.165791, Longitude: -115.0626466

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mario Fletcher


    I like this place but they absolutely NEVER OPEN ON TIME! I understand if it happens once or twice but I don’t understand being late everyday ... I try to stop in before work counting on the hours they have posted to be accurate but they never are .... but I usually wait close too 30-40 minutes for someone to arrive after the 11 o’clock open time. It’s currently 11:18am and I’m waiting for them too open!!

  • en

    Yer buddy


    This place is rediculous. When it comes to buying gold they don't go by spot price and then minus a commission like a normal place they pay what the "owner" wants to pay for your gold.they wanted to pay me $80 for $150 worth of gold.apperntly the owner should get half of what my gold is worth just for buying it off of me.needless to say I did not sell.this place is a rip off.NEVER GO.

  • en

    Joey Gomez


    The owner is just as arrogant in person as he is on here. He is very belittling to his employees especially his wife, she works there as well, or used to at least. Low balling is the nature of this business but this place takes cringe and unprofessionalism to a new level. Go somewhere else unless you want to see this guys performance in person. Annnd there is definitely a few fake reviews shilling for this place on here. " Glad I didn't listen to the negative reviews." Give me a break dude.

  • Penny Knab-Bell

    Penny Knab-Bell


    The worst in town crazy first they told me my 22k chain was not real. Lol I had the paperwork then they offered me 300.00 hahahaha I took it and left went to super pawn go 5000. Pawn. Dont go here waste of breath and energy KEEP OUT UNLESS U WANT TO DONATE The worst part yet is the owner defends his stupidity on here lol

  • en

    Sir Malik


    Horrible. Don't go. Called about selling my old phone earlier in day and they said come on in we will buy your phone. When we got there they low balled us to $19 for a Samsung j3. By the end of the transaction the employee was impatient and decided she personally didn't want to by the phone. The other employee said it was fine and wanted to purchase it from us. We decided no to do business. This place is SHADY!!!!!!

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