Wayne Valley Nail Inc w Wayne

Stany ZjednoczoneWayne Valley Nail Inc



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592, Valley Road, 07470, Wayne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-633-7000
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9313882, Longitude: -74.2278263

komentarze 5

  • en

    Meghan Marzella


    I went to Wayne Valley Nails for a pedicure without an appointment. I was taken right away and the staff were very friendly and accomdating. The pedicure was relaxing, gentle, and left me feeling rejuvinated, as well as being done very well. I will definitley be back for more services!

  • Rani Patel

    Rani Patel


    I can in without an appointment on my lunch break and was taken right away. I showed them a picture of a complicated holiday design and they replicated it perfectly and got me out of the door on time.

  • Chelsey Verde

    Chelsey Verde


    I have gone there 3 times and all those 3 times were horrible. The first time I asked for kind of short nails and when they were cutting the nail down they cut it way too short before I can even say it was too short. Then the second time I went they put way too much acrylic fell on my nails they looked like bubbles on my nails. And the third and last time I went there I needed a refill and I just wanted to get French tips but as they were filling in my nails they didn't cut off the parts that were already lifted they just put the jell over it and I had air bubbles in my nails. I never will go there ever again because they do not know how to really do nails

  • en

    Diana Schwartz


    Everyone extremely friendly. Never need an appointment ( but good to gave one). They do a nice job. Went in at 615 ( they close at 730) for last minute manicure and they took me no problem .

  • en

    ashley nelson


    They we very nice but they are way too expensive and my nail polish come off with in a few days ....

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