Wayne Nails i Wayne

Forenede StaterWayne Nails



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61, Berdan Avenue, 07470, Wayne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-633-0101
internet side: www.waynenails.com
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Latitude: 40.9621283, Longitude: -74.2419824

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carole Porter


    My daughter got tips for the prom, need I say the price I was told they are much better than the other salons around here. After 2 days, 2 came off and hey did fix them. After 2 days, they all came off! I’m sure they will not refund me which I feel is what they should do! Never again! Beware the price!!!!! Could be better to go to a high end salon!!

  • en

    shara baldi


    So this is my first review ever, but I felt I had to go out of my way to share my experience at Wayne Nails. I have been going here for a while and they do decent work but are constantly asking/bothering you to get designs, the upgraded pedicure, the more expensive this or that. I usually just ignore it but today I had an appointment for a fill-in manicure which is always $45. When I sat down the owner told me that it was going to be $55 today because I haven’t come in 4 weeks... when I asked for her reasoning she had nothing to say. For the record I always wait 4 weeks to get a fill-in. That’s the beauty of it, you don’t have to go often! I’m extremely disappointed with this place and will not be coming back.

  • jennifer mortillo

    jennifer mortillo


    Wayne nails gave me the best manicure that I've ever had it lasted for two full weeks a French manicure I might say I went there with my daughter haven't been there in a while I've been other places and I just won't go back, for a mani pedi until I go back to Wayne

  • en

    Emily Strunk


    Wonderful spa experience. I like the place is super clean. The staff goes out of their way to make me feel special . I enjoy having art done on my nails!




    I have going here since I moved to Wayne 6 years ago. The owner, Barbara and staff, Clara and Karen always do a super job on my nails and toes! Never had a problem! Everyone is very friendly and welcoming!

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