Wax poetic skincare w Tacoma

Stany ZjednoczoneWax poetic skincare



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2607, North Warner Street, 98407, Tacoma, Pierce County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 253-328-8585
strona internetowej: www.styleseat.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.271553, Longitude: -122.480971

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kaela Smith


  • Mary Lue

    Mary Lue


    This was my first experience having my legs waxed and getting a Brazilian and Kindra was AWESOME. She is super fast and professional but also made me feel relaxed and comfortable, which is important when you have a stranger close up to your sensitive parts. I will be returning here for future waxing needs and I want to check out her facial options too.

  • Rockwell Gray

    Rockwell Gray


    This was my first time getting a wax job, because I am getting a vasectomy next week and the instructions had said either shave or wax your scrotum, since the hair would make the procedure difficult. I chose this location not only because it is close to where I live, but also because of the good reviews. Kindra who performed the wax service on me responded quickly to my emails, worked hard with me to make an appointment possible with my unusual work schedule, in addition to providing quality service and very friendly towards everyone. If I needed or wanted to get waxed again, I would definitely contact Kindra and come back.

  • Michelle Cote

    Michelle Cote


    I recently had two separate appointments with Kindra at Wax Poetic. Her boutique-style space is attached to Rosewood Cafe around the side, and is incredibly inviting. Last week I had a facial which started with Dermaplaning, Cryotherapy (Frotox), extractions, and the usual stuff that comes with a facial. The Frotox was the finale and cooled my face and felt SO good! Yesterday I had my legs sugared (waxed). My legs are so soft and smooth, and it didn't hurt at all. It was the first time I've ever had any type of waxing done... I was shocked! Let me tell you, I have never had such amazing service, and incredible results! Kindra exudes knowledge and expertise, and she has a personality larger than life! I highly recommend Kindra and Wax Poetic to get your beauty on!

  • Joanne Carlton

    Joanne Carlton


najbliższy Salon piękności

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