Washington Square i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterWashington Square



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1050, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-833-2545
internet side: washingtondcparking.spplus.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.903418, Longitude: -77.040721

kommentar 5

  • Tony Tubiolo

    Tony Tubiolo


    Good weekend parking garage - about the only one in the area that is open on Sunday! We drove our small car, but could have easily fit our minivan into the large parking spaces it has. It was only $11 for all day parking on Sunday. The garage is open until midnight. It was self-park, and I did not have to give my keys to a parking attendant, so I knew it could not be moved or damaged by a parking attendant. Perfect experience.

  • Mina Jaan

    Mina Jaan


    I am starting to dislike the employers. They are slow, disrespectful, they don't acknowledge you, they fight with each other. I even got yelled at once, because the disagreed that I couldn't find my car. I said I got someone to park it for me, still they wouldn't believe me. Unbelievable. I complained to the manager he addressed it. Now again I wasn't acknowledged when waiting to park myself since they have changed things. I waited and waited until I get acknowledged and I was running already late, yet I waited for 5 minutes giving him time to come around and letting me know where to park but nothing, he would move very slow and just taking his time. I just parked my car w/o getting his advise and I told him I will complain to your manager this is unacceptable and I refused to give my keys because you did not even acknowledge me. I don't have time and you see that I need assistance yet you did not care to care for my time. I just left and walked away. I hope this gets handled by someone soon.

  • Christopher Rose

    Christopher Rose


    A bunch of vallets that just sit around and do not actually get your car. Took them 20 minutes to finally get my car, and it wasn't buried behind a bunch of cars on the lowest deck, it was just sitting around the corner....

  • Tucker Patterson

    Tucker Patterson


    Not a good parking garage and very tight spaces.

  • en

    Christine V.


    Cheap and efficient. I love the text to pick up service.

nærmeste Parkering

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