Walmart Supercenter w Windcrest

Stany ZjednoczoneWalmart Supercenter



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5626, Walzem Road, 78218, Windcrest, Bexar County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 210-507-0650
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.5075599, Longitude: -98.3748793

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rudolpho Kring


    We stopped here because we were in the area visiting a good friend. We were very surprised how clean and organized the store was. We saw many things at this location that other Wal-Mart's didn't carry. Bakery department is on point with fresh and delicious pastries. Staff was very very nice. Will make the drive to go back go this location.

  • en

    Veronica S


    Great loved the experience. Gabriel the nice gentlemen by the garden center door was very welcoming. Made sure I was taken care of at all times went above and beyond to make me feel welcomed and also invited me back. There was also and an older gentleman working the deli around 9pm..he also was helpful and very friendly. My visit was 4/5/18 @Walzem location.

  • en

    Milton Hope


    This location on Walden road is easy to navigate. Whenever I have shopped there, the aisles are clean and free if clutter. If I have a question the associated have always been helpful. Lots of choices and great selections

  • M T

    M T


    I needed a new battery for my car, the price here is the best compare to other shops I called. The manager and technician was extremely helpful and friendly. I didn’t have to wait too long for the installation of the new battery. Thank you!

  • Patricia Patton

    Patricia Patton


    I was standing in the jewelry department waiting for someone to help me but no one came. So I ended up asking three different people to help me. Each one said they would get someone to help but no one came. Finally someone from another department showed up. I asked her if she worked in this and she said no but I asked her my question anyway. I asked if I could get a new battery put in my watch. She said only if I buy the watch or have bought the watch from them (Wal-Mart). Otherwise they can't take the risk of damaging my watch. So I didn't get my watch fixed there.

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