Walmart Auto Care Centers i Farmingdale

Forenede StaterWalmart Auto Care Centers



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965, Broadhollow Road, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-752-8974
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7274445, Longitude: -73.4207206

kommentar 5

  • en



    the manager refused to change my oil because one of the mechanics couldn't reach the filter. another mechanic checked and told the manager "forgot her name" that he could do it, she still refused it for no reason. I always have done my car at walmart until i came to this one. Also the manager seems moody and talks to employees about what they do wrong infront of the customers.... worst experience ever i wish there was a 0 star... would hate to work for that manager and will never come here again...02/17/2018 12:30

  • Ahmed AD

    Ahmed AD


    They done good job but took me 2 hours even though I was the second cotumer early in the morning at 8 O'clock

  • en

    Kel B


    I waited 3 hours for an oil change! When the guy finally got to my vehicle (there was one ahead of me) the technician didn't know the oil that was requested or the filter to use as it was not in the notes. He is the second technician that I encountered and had to wait an additional 30 minutes for him to finish the job... Horrible service, not even an apology or compensation offered.

  • Chris G

    Chris G


    This place SUCKS get ready to be disappointed! Every time I go they never want to do there job and always have an excuse. This is the third time I've went and left pissed tf off! A tire change, maybe 2o min the most. "sorry sir we are over booked, it's 2pm I can't leave my car to get fixed? No we can't do that". It's not just the manager it's the whole tire department itself. The workers are lazy Af! The manager always has an excuse for them and the cashier girl is useless. Please go elsewhere if I could give 0 starts I would.

  • en

    Tracy Nine


    I went in there at 3pm and the kid at the desk said, "we can't take any more cars, we only have one mechanic" this has been the second time that they told me this at this exact Walmart. They need to hire other works because 3pm and no service? that's absolutely unacceptable. Oh, and they NEVER ANSWER their god damn phone, I've been on HOLD for 10 WHOLE MINS for a simple question.

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