Wall Athletics LLC in Oakland

Vereinigte StaatenWall Athletics LLC


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5A, Raritan Road, 07436, Oakland, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 201-739-3998
webseite: wallathleticsllc.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.0250709, Longitude: -74.2356449

kommentare 5

  • en

    Chris Lewis


  • Anthony Rivera

    Anthony Rivera


    Austin is one of the first people I met when I moved to New Jersey. He was very inviting and humble. When he parted ways with his old partnership and started Walls Athletics LLC I left the old gym where i met Austin and was the first one to sign up in his new gym. I have been to all kinds of gym from Golds to LA fitness to Gorilla MMA and American Kombat club and Nothing compares to Walls. They have something for everybody and there are no EGOS in that gym. From staff to all the people I met.

  • en

    Peter Toriello


    Professional, super clean, energizing workouts. All the accessories you need for a well rounded sweat!

  • Maria Becker

    Maria Becker


    Great place to bring your children how to wrestle have fun and learn discipline and respect coaches and each other.

  • en

    Anthony Rivera


    To start off Austin was the first person I met in New Jersey when I moved up from Orlando. He is one of the most professional yet welcoming people I have ever met. I met him in his old establishment "GYM" which I will not name or want to give them any undeserving publicity. When I found out he was opening up his new gym I jump aboard and I am still a current member of. He has an amazing staff from boxing to wrestling and cardio combat.His better half also runs an amazing class that will get you into shape. This gym is very family oriented and I receive love everything I'm there. By far the greatest gym I have been apart of.

nächste Gesundheit

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