Walgreens Pharmacy i New City

Forenede StaterWalgreens Pharmacy



🕗 åbningstider

31, West Cavalry Drive, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-634-3341
internet side: www.walgreens.com
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Latitude: 41.1547006, Longitude: -73.9859041

kommentar 1

  • Raj Thomas

    Raj Thomas


    By far this is the worst Walgreens Pharmacy ever. The people who work outside the pharmacy are great and helpful. But the pharmacy staff itself is a joke. They always screw up our prescriptions, inform us our prescription is ready go their twice today itself only to be told they don't have it ready and they don't have the medicine required in stock. This is after the doctor had sent the prescription twice since 9 am. Time now is 2:37. The pharmacy manager is as useless and so are the staff that works under her. This is not the 1st time this has happened to us and they give us run around about transferring the prescription over to another location or competitor. I give 2 stars only because the staff outside the pharmacy is great.

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