Walgreens w Freeport

Stany ZjednoczoneWalgreens



🕗 godziny otwarcia

89, Henry Street, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-623-9719
strona internetowej: www.walgreens.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.655244, Longitude: -73.5787144

komentarze 5

  • Taj Baichan

    Taj Baichan


    Worst pharmacy service of any Walgreens across the US. Sit in the drive thru for 10 minutes before anyone comes to the window. Receive a text that my prescription is delayed due to insurance and I don’t need to do anything, they will handle it. Two days later I call for the status and they tell me they don’t have any prescriptions for me. I tell the person the script was written two days earlier. She puts me on hold and comes back and says they have it. Send my husband to pick it up and they never update so my address and he doesn’t know my old address so they don’t give him the prescription. I’ve asked them to update the address three times. The next day he goes to get the script and they tell him it was picked up. He finally gets someone to check and they find the prescription. Just horrible horrible service. They never confirm the number of scripts you’re picking up not what you’re picking up. Dangerous and switching all of my scripts to CVS.

  • Tara Volpe

    Tara Volpe


    The Pharmacy staff Tim R and Nilufa H truly go above and beyond this store is so busy and no matter what all of the staff in the pharmacy are AWESOME I have dealt with many but the Freeport staff is just wonderful I THANK ALL OF YOU Tara

  • es

    juan Rodriguez


    Excelente servicio y muy bueno precio

  • KiEsha Ca

    KiEsha Ca


    As I sit in my car at the drive thru for the pharmacy. I've literally been om this line for 30 minutes and couldn't get off because people in front and behind me. This is horrible! Still have NOT been acknowledged!!!! Do Better or Close the drive thru window!

  • en

    Navindra Basdeo


    Outstanding customer service. Staff was very well educated on products and managers were very respectful and organized. Special thanks to Justina and Julie for helping me find a specific product. Definitely recommend to anyone.

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