Walgreens i Atlanta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterWalgreens



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25, Peachtree St SE, 30303, Atlanta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 404-260-1038
internet side: www.walgreens.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.7543449, Longitude: -84.3894841

kommentar 5

  • Brittanie



    Horrendous service but super convenient location. I live downtown so this is the only store within walking distance open until 10 but the staff treat everyone as if they are angry they came to the store. Many times, I have been made to feel as if I’m inconveniencing the staff by purchasing things, asking questions or for help. They even rush you after 9:45 pm if you walk in. I walked in at 9:45 a few nights after rushing over from work and was told that I had 5 minutes before closing and I told management yet they still do it. Once it was raining and I came around that time and they rushed and locked the doors yet it wasn’t 10. Also, multiple times an employee has gotten angry and clocked out then left while there was a line of us before closing. If they weren’t the only store nearby, I’d never shop there again.

  • en



    I love going to this Walgreen's. The pharmacist is always so helpful

  • Adam Rosenberger

    Adam Rosenberger


    Horrible customer service by the pharmacy assistant (2/13/18 around 1:30pm ). I was being helped and she told me one moment, helped another customer behind me and then promptly left. Just took off! What a waste of a paycheck for employees that offer service like that. When I was leaving there was a homeless man outside the entry with his pants around his ankles. The downtown neighborhood struggles with vagrants, but Walgreens can't be bothered to clean up their own block. Trash everywhere, addicts less than 5 feet from the door asking for beer money. I won't spend another dime at a Walgreen's until I hear this location has gotten better.

  • en

    Monika Piazza


    Super cool Walgreens. It's set up in a funky way, but considering the location, it goes with the vibe of the area. The staff is friendly and fast. There is a pharmacy. They also sell some alcohol. If you are on foot, this is a good place to grab some food or other goods quickly.

  • madhusudhan gadi

    madhusudhan gadi


    It’s not the first time, that I observed the discrepancy in the prices they post and what they bill. I got my money back two times. Please check the prices after you get billed. They are looting the customers. Today, I picked an item which is posted 13.5$ And when I went to the counter, I was charged for 16.5$ (14.79+ tax). When I questioned the cashier, he told me that the extra amount is the tax. I don’t know what the this double tax is and either the cashier. This might be some kind of looting tax.

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