Walgreens w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneWalgreens



🕗 godziny otwarcia

210, Union Avenue, 11211, Kings County, New York, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 718-963-3130
strona internetowej: www.walgreens.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7068601, Longitude: -73.949967

komentarze 5

  • Aly Barbour

    Aly Barbour


    Waited on hold multiple times just to be hung up on by the pharmacy. Incompetent and I wouldn’t trust them. After I posted this I literally was hung up on again by a nurse. I was just trying to ask about a question for strep throat care..

  • en



    I have never had so many problems occur with a pharmacy like this one! The staff seems totally incompetent. They tell you to come pick up the medication because its ready but then when you get there, its not ready and they make you wait ten minutes. They can't seem to communicate with one another- they never know what is going on. The phone line is terrible, they've put me on hold so many times and after a few minutes it begins to ring and finally someone picks up and its as if you just called them from the beginning, and they ask you how they can help you when you just spent ten minutes talking to someone about what you need. I don't understand how a pharmacy can be THIS BAD!

  • Jacob Wohl

    Jacob Wohl


    Its a great store . They treat everyone like he would be the only customer. Amazing great service

  • Brain Troy

    Brain Troy


    Desperately needs a security guard in the place. Homeless men and women enter the store and steal items right before your eyes and the lost prevention is literally taking a beating. Please advise manger of this store

  • en

    Jason Silverstein


    Clean & well stocked. It has everything a suburban Walgreens has. It isn't the friendliest and spare change'ing outside is what it is.

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