Walgreens w Keller

Stany ZjednoczoneWalgreens



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1470, Keller Parkway, 76248, Keller, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-431-5305
strona internetowej: www.walgreens.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.9337716, Longitude: -97.2192836

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nadeen Suarez


    The employees at this pharmacy are either overworked or hate their jobs. I rarely see a smile on their faces. Their tone is rushed and rude. Sometimes they don’t even let you finish speaking. When they finally assist you it feels like you are inconveniencing them. I’ve called on numerous occasions to be placed on hold for lengthy wait times. When they ask you to “please hold,” they do it so rudely. A few times they even picked up the line, you finally think someone is going to assist you, then the call just hangs up...I wonder if they do this to stop the hold button from beeping or to reset the queue.. who knows why, but it happens too frequently for it to be an accident. Their delivery is ok and really haven’t had an issue there, what I’ve had an issue on is them trying to charge or renew medication that’s not ready to be auto filled. I feel like I’m always getting voicemails to renew prescriptions way far in advance. Their customer service needs an overhaul, perhaps a new manager. I advise you go elsewhere, with less headaches and more customer appreciation.

  • en

    Saràh Hall


    This store is very helpful and professional in customer service -I have received very good service at this store. They have been the best about printing my photos. I really love the great job they do on the photo books! Thank you Walgreens team...I’ve been sharing these books with people - always the same response WOW! Walgreens!?!

  • Caroline Alfano

    Caroline Alfano


    Pharmacy is terrible. Slowest service and consistently mess up my prescriptions. Will be switching over to CVS.

  • Brandy Boyles

    Brandy Boyles


    The pharmacy personnel seems be br slipping, as though every phone call is disrupting them or maybe thr just their jobs. If I wanted customer service with an snyde additude id choose Walgreens in Keller.

  • Lynn Will

    Lynn Will


    The store staff and the pharmacy staff are both helpful. I noticed that the negative reviews are older, maybe there has been a manager change or some other factor changed. Anyway, I've been a customer for years and have never felt badly treated or ignored. I pick up the prescriptions for my elderly mother, and most of the pharmacy staff automatically look under her name too if I am picking up for myself. That's pretty good service!

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