Wagner Denture Group w Albuquerque

Stany ZjednoczoneWagner Denture Group



🕗 godziny otwarcia

801, Encino Place Northeast, 87102, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 505-232-3588
strona internetowej: wagnerdenturegroup.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0899888, Longitude: -106.6312912

komentarze 5

  • Joy Padilla

    Joy Padilla


    This is from GENE CHAVES. He said that the staff is very professional & they make you comfortable. Thank you for the awesome work you've done on me

  • Curtis Caldwell

    Curtis Caldwell


    My mother in law (R. Contreras)recently had a partial made by Dr. S Wagner. She is thoroughly pleased with the tooth. She thought staff were all very professional and courteous. Dr. Wagner was very personable and compassionate. Thank you for taking good care of my mother in law.

  • Reberta Hill

    Reberta Hill


    The VA referred my husband to Wagner Denture Group. Boy are we ever glad they did!! Dr. Wagner and all of his staff are awesome!! If you are in need of dentures, Wagner Denture Group is the place to go!! The whole staff is friendly and very efficient! Thank you Dr. Wagner for my husband's beautiful smile!!

  • Bette Chalmers

    Bette Chalmers


    I am in the process of replacing my dental implants. The process is being done by Dr. Stephen Wagner. I am SO IMPRESSED with this man! He is kind, caring, gentle and very impressive in many ways! He has to be the best In many states!! He has a very capable crew working for him. I am so relaxed when I go for an appointment. If you need special work done on your teeth or have had an accident that did damage to your teeth, don’t hesitate to call this office. I am one grateful, happy patient! 🦷

  • Melissa Gallegos

    Melissa Gallegos


    (Posting for my dad) Previously went here for dentures. Needed to get fitted for bottom dentures and also have some teeth extracted as well due to them going bad due to some medication that I am on. When I called to make an appt they refused my service due to my vaccination status and me not being able to get vaccinated they would no longer see me as a patient. This is not the forest time I have had troubles with this office but I am now happy to be taking my money somewhere else. Don't waste your money here, take it to a company that won't refuse to treat you.

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