Vu w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneVu



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2, Exchange Pl, 07302, Jersey City, Hudson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 201-469-4650
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7170582, Longitude: -74.0323757

komentarze 5

  • Jodi Shaw

    Jodi Shaw


    Staff was wonderful. Buffet food was cold, but tasty. Person seating advised it wasn't too late to be seated for buffet, however stations were emptied before any of us had a chance for 2nds (and 1st was ice cold.) Ate there multiple times over the weekend. Always the same.

  • Ashley Zogba

    Ashley Zogba


    Beautiful view, great food ! If you’re just there to eat and not staying at the hotel make sure to get your valet ticket stamped for a discount!!

  • Malcolm Nimick

    Malcolm Nimick


    View is great. Food is just above average. Service is comfortable.

  • en

    Kenneth Arida


    Vu is a C grade to me. The view is spectacular and the people (staff) very nice and eager to please. I took my wife for Valentine's day and it was a pre set menu that was overpriced (all in with tip and glass of wine $130pp!). I've paid that before but for a truly memorable experience, this was NOT THAT. The whole feel was unpolished. Uneven lighting on tables that made ours like we were under a french fry warmer (supposed to be a romantic couples night out). Hotel entrance, decor and construction was builder grade. Had to go back upstairs to get my parking ticket validated because no one told me it was $10 cheaper if the waiter puts a sticker on the dang thing. Not one to nit pic but for this location, this place should be much, much more. Might be better on a different night where you can select from a menu. Won't be back

  • Alan Jean

    Alan Jean


    Vu is definitely an amazing restaurant. The name definitely describes the first thing you realize, which is the beautiful view of NY from the ceiling-to-floor windows. I had the flat iron steak and it was great! I had the Creme Brûlée which was really good too. My fiancée really liked the cheesecake. Our server was Belinda and she made the experience even greater. She was very attentive and you can tell she loves what she does. I would want her every time we come back.

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