Vision Plus w Stony Point

Stany ZjednoczoneVision Plus



🕗 godziny otwarcia

141, South Liberty Drive, 10980, Stony Point, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-942-3937
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2186322, Longitude: -73.98668

komentarze 5

  • Diamond Jewels

    Diamond Jewels


    The staff at this place is amazing and professional. I had a great experience and would highly recommend this eye doctor to anyone. They were really nice and understanding. I was running late because of my newborn and the doctor completely understood and still saw me even though his day was at a close. The doctor answered all my questions, and taught me so much about my eyes! Highly recommend! Thank you to all the staff!

  • Gilbert Pierre-Louis

    Gilbert Pierre-Louis


    Best eye doctor in the county hands down! Excellent with children and adults and they have the friendliest staff ever, Dr. Butler rocks!

  • en

    Kieran De La Cruz


    Dr. Butler was great and very informative. Extremely patient and helpful. Dawn was great! Helped me with my frames and a pair of prescription sunglasses! I haven't been to the eye Dr. in years, but that will change after today. Can't wait for my new glasses!

  • en

    Inocencia Carrano


    Dr. Butler is very thorough, professional and friendly. He answers all questions in an easy to understand way. He staff is very nice. I highly recommend him.

  • en

    jason morales


    Dr. Butler is extremely professional and knowledgeable. I had new contact lenses ordered and they arrived faster than usual. Dr. butler went step by step and made it very easy for me to learn how to insert and extract my lenses. Highly recommend Dr. Butler to any one looking for a good Optometrist!!

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