VIP Dominican Hair Salon i Uniondale

Forenede StaterVIP Dominican Hair Salon



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583, Uniondale Avenue, 11553, Uniondale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-280-3700
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Latitude: 40.7007448, Longitude: -73.5929117

kommentar 5

  • Denine Hammond

    Denine Hammond


    This is only place I go for my hair... I drive like 40 minutes but so worth it

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    grace grant


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    Miss Jones


    I think customer service is HIGHLY important when you are in business, especially with so much competition out there. If the girls that are here when the shop first opens in the morning were more friendly and didn't find it roberry to even say "hello" when someone enters (especially in a business where people tip) then I would definitely give this shop five stars. However, the owner is ALWAYS friendly when I come here and she is the reason I continue to come. I will also add that they do an exceptional job and don't damage your hair!!!

  • CTW Family

    CTW Family


    I just wish the prices were a little lower than they are now.

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    Sharland Johnson


    Very helpful and talented hair dresser. Does basic perms and treatments.

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