Violet's Florist i New York

Forenede StaterViolet's Florist



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342, East 50th Street, 10021, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 646-941-9879
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.754107, Longitude: -73.967128

kommentar 5

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    Adam james


    I've used Violet's several times to purchase flowers for my girlfriend, and each time she was blown away. The staff is super attentive and actually listen to their customers. There are a handful of florists nearby; none even come close to Violet’s creative designs and customer service. Also you can ask to see a picture of the design before it goes out for delivery. They are the real deal!

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    Joe Menzie


    This is not a flower shop

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    Natalie Moreno


    If you need something for delivery in Midtown, look no further. I placed the order online. Fast and easy. The flowers lasted for a while. I don't have the time to go to the stores and pick out stuff. Violet's make it so easy and efficient.

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    T V


    There isn't a florist at this location, it must have closed or never was there in the first place...shady.

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    Brittany Turner


    I was looking for a Florist in Midtown. I am out of town and needed to send Mother's Day Flowers. I usually order in advance to avoid any delivery delays. The girl on the phone was very knowledgable and made my selection very easy. Smooth and quick process. Thank You.

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