Vin De Set w St. Louis

Stany ZjednoczoneVin De Set



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2017, Chouteau Avenue, 63103, St. Louis, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 314-241-8989
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.6213413, Longitude: -90.2129555

komentarze 5

  • Jonathan Leger

    Jonathan Leger


    A rooftop view in a fine dining environment. When the weather is good the evening skyline is stunning. Very busy on the weekends so make a reservation. Why not 5 stars then? Because the prices are too high for the fare. What you're really paying for is the view and the experience, but at $50-60 a plate with an appetizer and a glass of wine I expected a little better. Still a great time for the occasional evening out when the weather is good.

  • en

    Bill Langton


    Great food, service, and atmosphere. Strong wine list. Always enjoy dining at Vin De Set. Good for a date night or a group outing. Indoor and rooftop patio seating. One of my favorite restaurants in St Louis.

  • Brennen Grone

    Brennen Grone


    Great food and atmosphere. Upscale menu and bar with a relatively laid back vibe. 10/10 will go back for a 3rd visit! Easter brunch was awesome

  • Ryan McGann

    Ryan McGann


    My wife and I had a wonderful experience here. The food was amazing and the service could not have been better. We choose to have three courses and we took our time. It gave us a chance to talk and enjoy the food. If you are looking to have an intimate dinner this is the place.

  • Brien Bednara

    Brien Bednara


    We went to Vin De Set shortly after Valentine's day. We had a delicious meal in a lovely setting. The fish was part of a Lenten special that was probably the best item we ate. Our waitress was good but not as helpful as the wait staff we have had in the past. Vin De Set is a great restraunt to visit on a special occasion, especially when the weather is nice and you can eat on the beautiful rooftop.

najbliższy Bar

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