Village Fireplace en Huntington Station

Estados UnidosVillage Fireplace



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1979, New York Avenue, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-351-1499
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.834094, Longitude: -73.4114148

comentarios 5

  • Suzanne Dickinson

    Suzanne Dickinson


    Just had our fireplace installed and from start to finish, Kevin really took care of us. Walked us through the process, very knowlegeable. Will be recommending Village Fireplace to family and friends. Can't wait for winter!

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    Crystal Pettersson


    We came in here one day after lunch in Huntington to look at the electric fireplaces. We were finishing our basement and I always wanted one. Kevin couldn't be nicer as he showed me all the fireplaces in the store, showing all the features, then how I could even order the newest possible thru him even though it wasn't in the store. I went with that option since might as well get the most realistic and best one if we could. Plus we wanted one hardwired in the wall instead of plugged in. He ordered the fireplace and let me know once it came in which was like 2 weeks. We couldn't be happier with this fireplace, it's the highlight of our basement! It looks so realistic and it's just gorgeous. Everyone just loves it. I'd highly recommend this store plus they have nice looking grills on the other side of the store and we're probably gonna go back for one of those eventually since ours is an old POS lol.

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    Beth Gary


    On March 25, we went to Village Fireplace to move forward with the purchase of a Pellet Stove. At that time, Kevin, the owner, informed us that he would need to come look at the space and there would be a $217.25 fee that would be eventually put towards the installation costs. As we were eager buyers ready to move forward with the Stove we wanted, we agreed. Kevin came to our house on March 29. He mentioned he would be going away on vacation for a week but his installer would come look at the space soon and he would be in touch as soon as he heard from him. I followed up on April 11 and April 16, finally getting a response and notification they would be coming on April 18. As he is leaving my house, he lets us know he will get back to us by Friday, April 20 with a revised cost for the stove, installation parts and installation. I don’t hear from him and once again, followed up twice via email. Finally, on May 1 (12 days after we were told we would hear from him) we receive this in the form of an email subject line: “Pellet stove estimate based on revised installation method.M-55 pellet stove with adapter,clean-out T, one 45 elbow,two 90 elbows,all pipe necessary and termination.Also with add-on outside air kit using rigid duct pipe instead of flex.Material total $5734.00 plus $494.56 in tax.Grand total of $6228.56.Outside authorized contractor cost at $1500.00 plus tax.” The body of the email simply reads “Thanks - Kevin.” Now, given the final cost of the pellet stove is $1200 more than originally told, I would expect to see an itemized list explaining why the materials cost what they do. Also, I would expect to see mention of the fact that the $217.25 I already paid would be taken out of the contractor work, which is what we were told when we agreed to it. A bulleted list in an email body would have sufficed. Instead, I simply received a run on sentence that was included in the Subject of an email. Not even in the email itself. I choose to do business with people who operate professionally and respond in a timely fashion. As this is a several thousand dollar project, I expect to be treated with common professional courtesy. When I emailed Kevin asking for a refund of my $217.25, I did not receive a response. And after following up once via email, I called and was told I had misunderstood what I was going to receive and wouldn’t get a refund because I agreed to the site inspection fee. While yes, I agreed to pay that initial fee, I did so with the belief that that money would be spent on the eventual work. Unfortunately, I was not treated with common professional courtesy — emails were not replied to in a timely manner and my estimate was not provided in a clear, professional way — and don’t feel comfortable moving forward with spending thousands of dollars with someone who can’t provide that to me. If I owned a business, I would have immediately called the client once I received the email asking for the refund to explain the misunderstanding and promise to make things right. I, as the client, had to follow up two days later, and left that conversation without any sense that he wanted to make things right. I will be calling my bank to dispute the charge.

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    pat cuomo


    The owner Kevin installed my fireplace doors and glass approximately 3 years ago. We use the fireplace (maybe once a year) . We used it recently and the glass cracked. I went in to see him and he said that the glass was under warranty but that it would cost me $150 for a service call. I said that it looked fairly simple to do and that I would do it myself. He said he would order it. Approximately 2 months later I went into the store to see why the delay. He's on the phone and yells over to his assistant that he never ordered it because he needed the other glass panel on my fireplace to make sure of the measurements. I left went home and remeasured the glass panel. I called again. This time I was told that I needed the receipt from His store!!!. I know this store. I sit on the board of a homeowners association and have recommended them in the past. I asked his assistant to have the owner reconsider his actions and make good on the warranty. NO RETURN CALL!!!. You may want to avoid this fireplace center and seek out a more reputable firm. Otherwise you may want to wait for a going out of business sale as the business conduct of the owner tells me they wont be around for long!!

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    Grace casey


    We had to have our fireplace serviced because our remote was not working, Their serviceman Matt did an outstanding job and replaced the wiring that was damaged. They were the ones I from whom we purchased the gas inset and I give them my very highest recommendation for installation and service. Brian and Grace Casey

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