Vilka Bistro w Bethel Park

Stany ZjednoczoneVilka Bistro



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4607, Library Road, 15102, Bethel Park, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-409-2480
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.3499378, Longitude: -80.022933

komentarze 5

  • en

    D K


    First time there yesterday (wife and I go out several times a week at 'nicer places'). Not only over priced but drinks were extremely small for the price. Any other places give you a fair and robust drink if expensive. The food tries hard to be exceptional but it falls very short. I'm sure lots of people will try because new but I will bet unless drastically changes approach will not be here too long. Side note - I saw who I believed to be owner walking around - not friendly at all to guests nor staff. Going there you get sense they feel you should be honored they let you in vs. a very friendly enjoyable, fair place. I never mind spending whatever needed but when I do and get martinis half filled or a double straight liquor that doesn't fill half a glass that also is filled with ice it is place I'll never return to... shame - I was hopeful would be great or at least decent. For the price was not good at all - won't be returning.

  • en

    Peter Fleming


    We wanted to like this place very much. Start off, the music was way too loud and inappropriate. Welcome to the jungle was playing then something by Ozzy. My wife complained and the music switched to 80s dance music, same volume. We started with the tuna parfait which was not bad. The tuna was fresh and it was nicely presented. Main course we both had the swordfish special. The fish was not overcooked but the cous cous underneath it was an overcooked paste. Seriously the main problem though was lack of salt. A restaurant with these prices and this level of quality, there is no excuse for poorly seasoned food.

  • en

    Teri Wilson


    We went for lunch on Saturday March 3rd. On the plus side the portions were large and the waitress was very nice and attentive. For an appetizer we ordered Millenium Chicken with orange marmalade and ranch dressing. We were happy with that. My boyfriend ordered the special, A spicy meatball sandwich that came with fries. The meatballs were dry and had gristle in them. The fries were over-salted. I ordered oxtail stew and a side of roasted shallot risotto. The stew comes topped with croutons. It tasted fine but I found at least four bones in the stew as I was eating it. It seems to me you shouldn't top something with crunchy croutons that you plan to leave bones in. The risotto had a weird taste and the texture was like it was sitting for awhile. Neither of us finished our meals and we've decided not to return.

  • en

    Melanie Maxwell


    Once again a 5 star experience. I would give it 10 if i could!! Breakfast buffet was great- so much to choose from AND 2 mimosas to boot!! Loved the service, Lisa was great. You have got to check this place out or you are missing out. My very picky daughter loved it too!

  • en

    Lisa Cherish


    $$$$ but delicious. I had the Blackened Tuna Salad. Needs to be served with more dressing. Very tasty tuna and vinergerette. Cooked rare as ordered. Atmosphere is tasteful contemporary but a bit cold. Devin (bartender) was excellent. Nice bar!!

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