Victory State Bank i New York

Forenede StaterVictory State Bank



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4142, Hylan Boulevard, 10308, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-979-1100
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.538676, Longitude: -74.148567

kommentar 5

  • en

    Raymond Clark


    i was with Bank Of America for 20 years and i have finally left them for Victory. Unmatched personal service, no horrible automated assistants, and a friendly atmosphere.

  • en

    Dariusz Pawluczuk


  • Moe Thanks

    Moe Thanks


    The employees here really care about my business. I don't go into the branch that much, but when I do, I remember why I bank here.

  • Sarah R

    Sarah R


  • Chezvous Catering n Rentals-Ettore

    Chezvous Catering n Rentals-Ettore


    poor service, lack of knowledge and weak management has been my experience at victory state bank over the last few years. i have been banking with them since their inception over 15 years ago and prior to that i banked with their predecessors gateway state bank. i stayed with them for as long as i did because of their overdraft policy, paying on uncollected funds which is beneficial for small businesses and dozens of auto debits debits in 6 accounts that i am now addressing at another bank, which is a nightmare. it pains me to write this one star review especially when it is local business in my neighborhood that i have tried to support. the email below, sent to the president on 9/6 tells my story. shortly after i sent it, i was asked by the first vice president to close my accounts and find another bank to bank at. good morning ***** i tried desperately not to send this email and take care of this with your staff, because everytime i email you about unresolved issues and poor service your staff shuns me. 3 months ago my vendor lost a certified check we gave them. your bay street staff informed me that i had to wait 3 months until i could stop it and be issued a new one. after that time i was informed i needed a bond for double the amount of the check? yesterday i was told i needed a letter from the vendor which i requested from them and below is an email from the vendor stating a different plan. please forward this to someone that could take care of it properly so we can finally take care of it. acct name ******** acct # *** ****** check #2015 amount $1214.20 dated 5/24/13 thank you ettore

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