Via Farina w Omaha

Stany ZjednoczoneVia Farina



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1108, South 10th Street, 68108, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-502-9880
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2487009, Longitude: -95.9296345

komentarze 5

  • en

    Martin Brown


    Superb food, atmosphere is great! Service was just slow and poor, which is really an issue for me. I hope this won't happen again

  • Mark M

    Mark M


    "Sir, the next group has arrived and they are actually now waiting, so we are going to have to ask you to please relinquish this 4 top". This is how our experience ended last Tuesday night. Never in my life have I been asked to leave a restaurant. The funny thing is, we were not camping. We arrived at 6pm, ate our meal, paid the bill and 10 minutes later, our waitress approached us and informed our party of three that they needed our table. It was 7:30pm. Our waitress indicated if we wanted to finish our conversation, we could go sit up at the bar. Needless to say, we opted to leave after just 90 minutes. It's important to mention the restaurant was only half full. If this is how Via Farina is going to operate, we will never return.

  • en

    Margie Raymond


    Food was very good. They had only 1 waitress that even had tend bar. She did a very good job. Parking is terrible. Not a good place to take handicap people because of parking. Very nice little pizza place. I probably won't go back for the reasons.

  • Mark Preston

    Mark Preston


    Ok folks. This place is premium. Original. Affordable. Simple. And consistent. It’s what other Italian restaurants who try too hard and cost too much money fail to be. Put me under the loyalty column at this fine establishment.

  • Suzie Kingery

    Suzie Kingery


    Restaurant is very cute and quaint from the outside. Food and service was okay, but nothing that would draw me back. There was a sewer smell as we walked in the front door, in the restroom, and where we sat I still faintly smelled it.

najbliższy Restauracja

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