Verni's Garden Center w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneVerni's Garden Center



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22-22, Hazen St, 11370, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-278-7348
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7678999, Longitude: -73.9005167

komentarze 5

  • Eric Grossman

    Eric Grossman


    Helpful and very kid friendly

  • Stephan Large

    Stephan Large


    Excellent selection of plants! Great staff.

  • en

    Mahbuba Nasrin


    Pricey but good plants. People are not too friendly but works out for us.

  • John Wojciechowski

    John Wojciechowski


    Great little shop. Lots of options. Helpful, friendly staff.

  • en

    Niki .English


    I love supporting local businesses instead of big box stores - which is why I chose to visit Verni. While I was there, the staff was friendly and talked with me about a variety of plants. I ended up purchasing a peach tree. Within a few days, it became evident that the tree had serious infection of leaf curl. After two weeks and attempts at treatment, I gave them a call to talk about the tree - I said that I was dissapointed that it was in such poor health and showing signs of blight immediately after purchasing it. The manager insisted he "doesnt have any of that here", was very defensive, and told me to "come and check" his other plants. He hastily tried to sell me fungicide. I was extremely dissapointed, as I expected a local business to want customers to be satisfied and return, and offer a more friendly take on advice or treatment. Also, I found the same pot I purchased at Verni at another store for half the price. I really had high hopes for a great local nursery - I have an entire lawn to furnish with plants. Unfortunately, I will be going elsewhere.

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